
Adobe Ideas, Illustrator for iPhone, iPadAdobe® Ideas lets you create freeform vector illustrations wherever you are with your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch. With a Creative Cloud membership, easily sync Adobe Ideas projects to Creative Cloud and open them for refinement in Illustrator CS6 for Desktop.

The app is FREE right now for a very limited time. That’s a HUGE savings of $9.99. Grab this one quickly before this discount goes away. App Store link after the jump. >>>

The app brings another component of sorts from Creative Suite to iOS. Adobe Ideas is like a “Lite” version of Adobe Illustrator. With more users opting for iPads instead of laptops to untether themselves, these ports make sense.

Ideas has many of the tools you are likely to use in a vector-based app. The standard drawing tools — pens, brushes, etc. — are included. There’s an eyedropper tool for easy color picking. There are more advanced features, such as Kuler color palette integration and layers. The app has an in-app purchase which lets you save, work, and transfer over Adobe’s Cloud-based services.

Now all we need is an InDesign-lite app for iOS and I can leave my MacBook home….

Adobe Ideas is normally $9.99 in the App Store. This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad. Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 5.1 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
