Apple Store app for iPhone

Apple Store app for iPhone

Fellow iPhoneographer and soon-to-be iPhone 4 owner Dixon Hamby just sent in this tip.

Some people are having better luck reserving their iPhone 4 using Apple’s new Apple Store app for iPhone and iPad. The app was just released today which was overshadowed by today’s other big Apple news.

You can do a lot of things Apple with this app —  buy Apple products and accessories, read customer reviews, find an Apple Retail Store, stay up to date with in-store events, and make Personal Shopping, Genius Bar, or One to One appointments. And, it looks like you can use it to easily reserve a new iPhone 4.

You can’t use it to purchase a new iPhone 4 — only to reserve one for in-store pickup on the day of release. If you’re changing telcos, it looks like all of that is handled instore on the the day of pickup. More importantly, your credit card is charged when you pick-up your phone, not when you order it.


I tried one more time to purchase an iPhone 4 online. While I was waiting on the spinning power button while AT&T may or may not have checked my credit, I downloaded the app and reserved my 32 GB iPhone 4 in seconds. Easy.

By the way, after waiting a few minutes online, my order timed-out.

Reserve your in-store pickup early as it looks like slots are limited.

If you’re having problems or concerns about today’s preorder, download the app from the App Store and give it a try. The app worked very well for me. Let us know how it works for you in the comments below.


Apple Store is a free download.

App Store link: Apple Store



Related Link: Dixon Hamby website


Thank you, Dixon, for this tip!