garden gate center, berkely california, giorgi gallery

Due to popular demand and many, many requests over the past three years, Knox Bronson, curator of P1xels, will be offering classes in the creation of iPhone art. The first class, Introduction To iPhoneography, given by Knox, begins January 17, 7:00 p.m., at the lovely Garden Gate Creativity Center (formerly Giorgi Gallery where the first brick and mortar iPhoneography exhibition was shown), 2911 Claremont Ave. (at Ashby) in Berkeley, Califoria. The second and third classes will be January 24 and 31, respectively.

Knox Bronson says, “We will be starting with the basics, like we did three years ago, with a few limited apps to focus on the art of the capture: — what is in the frame. We will be learning about about preparing images for apping. There will be image assignments between classes, with group sharing and critique. We will talk much about process and workflow, organizing apps, the development of your “camera bag,” doing black and white, color, and so on. Step-by-steps on images.  Common pitfalls and mistakes. A fundamental approach to the Not-camera, the development of a personal vision, and the creation of beautiful art!”

Over the course of the first three classes, emphasis will be placed on the importance of composition and craft as the foundation of great iPhonic art. Knox stresses craft, the proper choice of images, the exploration of possibility within an image, the attuning to the artist’s singular vision, and the apping of images as a form of contemplation

In late 2009, Knox helped change the course of the then-young iPhoneographic movement with the launch of his website, Pixels—The Art of the iPhone and the call for submissions for the first-ever juried gallery show of  iPHoneography which opened on January 30, 2010 at the Giorgi Gallery in Berkeley, California. Since that time, Knox has been a prime mover, as curator to the site, in defining the movement and helping shape it into the fine art medium it is today.

Introductory cost is $75 for three two-hour classes.

Bring a notebook and your phones or other iOS devices. Space is limited. For information, visit the P1xels wbsite, call 510-612-6124 or contact Knox Bronson,
