22 by Sarah Jarrett


Here is this week’s Faved On Flickr, featuring some of the excellent iPhoneography and iPhone Art shared to Life In LoFi’s Flickr group. These are just a few of the many outstanding works shared this week to our Flickr group, as well as a few shared while I was away at Macworld.

Keep reading to see all of this week’s excellent gallery. >>>

This selection features outstanding color and black & white iPhonegraphy, abstracts, and landscapes. It’s another great snapshot of the current trends in iPhoneography.

iPhone Artist Sarah Jarrett was awarded the MPA iPhone Photographer Artist of the Year this week and i thought it appropriate that her playful, slightly surreal “22” lead off the set this week. It’s a classic example of her current works, which draws more from natural media art and combines almost-related elements into powerful and visually interesting images.

Also in this week’s showcase are more outstanding iPhone photography and art from Paul Moore, Isabelle MissPixels Gagné, Alon Goldsmith, Ade Santora, Michael Sutton, Star Rush, Roger Guetta, Andy Royston, Clint Cline, Mansi Bhatia, Dixon Hamby, Janine Graf, Meredith Winn, Melissa Vincent, Lola Mitchell and others, including a very minimal, stark landscape from Robert-Paul Jansen.

Each link goes to the iPhoneographer’s Flickr photostream. Many iPhoneographers share the apps they used to create the images, so I encourage you to click the links and explore their photostreams further.

Want To Submit Your Images? Here’s How…

Submissions are open to everyone with an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. To have your works considered, simply post your images to Life In LoFi’s Flickr group. Images must be shot and processed using only an iDevice. Sundays, we feature a brand new showcase of more great iPhone photography.

There are many other stunning works posted in our Flickr group. Be sure to stop by there and have a look at the many other images that I couldn’t fit into this piece.

Please enjoy the set this week. As always, it’s the iPhoneographers who deserve the credit. My sincere thanks to all of the iPhoneographers in this week’s post and in the Flickr group. Thank you for sharing.




valentine by camera shy momma / Meredith Winn


Spring is coming

Spring is coming by Lola Mitchell


I didn't forget the umbrella

I didn’t forget the umbrella by Michael Sutton


Fly #natura_hnato

Fly #natura_hnato by hnato / Hector Navarro



Dune by anglesandexposures


Sending data from the MoMA

Sending data from the MoMA by Isabelle MissPixels Gagné


79:365 Escape Route

79:365 Escape Route by elineart



Fingered by Alon Goldsmith



Untitled by g_e_mm_a



image by timisoar



Round by star.rush360 / Star Rush


No Saturday Service...

No Saturday Service… by dballeri



Untitled by GLR50


In Flight

In Flight by Mooro2 / Paul Moore



upload by Misvincent / Melissa Vincent


Beautiful Emptyness.

Beautiful Emptyness. by Robert?Paul Jansen


<3   gros bisous @alipiopadilha

<3 gros bisous @alipiopadilha by …storrao…



Anastasia by cystamatic



Pause by Ade Santora


AMPt - Shoot or Die at despite all my rage

AMPt – Shoot or Die at despite all my rage by SUXSIEQ


I'll Give Up My Sleep for You

I’ll Give Up My Sleep for You by Luxtra



Sleepwalker by Maansee


the Alure of Evolution

the Alure of Evolution by Chad Rankin (sirreal)


Cry Me A River

Cry Me A River by DraMan/ Roger Guetta


and the sky was all violet

and the sky was all violet by Janine Graf


Tangled Up In Blue.

Tangled Up In Blue. by Andy Royston / Ft Lauderdale Sun


Love's Labour's Lost

Love’s Labour’s Lost by clix2020 / Clint Cline


Big brother

Big brother by Andy^C


Multicolored pigtails

Multicolored pigtails by Dixon Hamby


i know places

i know places by anjeee

