My friends and I don’t celebrate birthdays. We celebrate birthdays. We’ve sometimes milked our bashes for week.
It’s the anniversary of Life In LoFi this week. Thursday, actually. I’ve got a thoughtful, retrospective post planned for then. I hope I can get the words in the post to sound as good as they do in my head right now.
This isn’t a plea for gifts and presents (although they are always welcome. Does Shiner Bock have gift cards?). In fact, I’m going to celebrate by giving away to you a ton of stuff this week. I’ve got promo codes and other cool stuff to give away this week here on the blog and on the Life In LoFi Facebook page.
I really love writing and publishing this blog. I love that I can give back to the iPhoneography community and that you all share so much here. I really do appreciate every one of you who reads, who comments, who discusses, who challenges. Thank you.
I’d buy a round for you all if I could, but there are federal laws that say I can’t do that. Instead, let me give you stuff here and I’ll buy a round of your beverage of choice when I’m in your city.
Thank you very much for reading.