If you’re in or near Chicago this weekend, check out See, Hear, Now – an interactive installation of iPhone photography and music curated by Jennifer Hyman. It’s part of the Milwaukee Avenue Arts Festival and runs Friday, July 29 through Sunday, July 31. On display this weekend are works from several well-known iPhoneographers, including Jaime Ferreyros, Stacy Anderson, Amy Hughes, Matthew Schultz, Genevieve Cibor, Mark Andrushko, Leah Pietrusiak and Jennifer Hyman. Jennifer is also showing a few of my photos for this exhibit.
More information on See, Hear, Now, check out their Facebook page.
More information on the entire festival (it’s huge…) can be found on the website.
See, Hear, Now
2706 N Sawyer
(corner of Sawyer and Milwaukee – across the street from McDonald’s on Milwaukee)
“A gallery exhibition about the constantly changing vision, voice and verb of our culture and includes iPhoneographers and musicians. See, Here, Now will also feature an interactive installation of photographs taken during the Festival. This installation will be curated by Nathan Koch and Dorian Anderson.”