“There are no rules for good photographs, there are only good photographs.”
Words attributed to photographer Ansel Adams, but still valid today.
Here is this week’s selection of good photographs, the Faved On Flickr iPhone photography showcase for March 18, 2012. These are a small number of the outstanding images submitted to LoFi’s Flickr group in the past week. Click past the jump for the rest of this week’s showcase. >>>
This week’s lead image is part of a series by Isabelle “MissPixels” Gagné, from “New Car Smell”. Nicely colorful and abstract car photography. I recommend that you follow the link to see the other images in the series. Other artists selected this week include Star Rush, Edina Herold, Alexander Kesselaar, Emily Rose, Benamon Tame, Roger Guetta, Mansi, mutablend, Shel Serkin, Catherine Restivo, Igor Phomin, and many others.
Links go back to the iPhonegrapher’s Flickr photostream. I encourage you to follow the links and discover new iPhoneographers whose work catches your eye.
Submissions are open to everyone with an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. All you have to do to submit your photography is to post your images to LoFi’s Flickr Group. Sundays, we feature a brand new showcase of outstanding iPhone photography.
There are many other stunning works posted in Life In LoFi’s Flickr group. Please stop by there and have a look at the many other images that I can’t fit into this piece.
Please enjoy this week’s set. As always, it’s the iPhoneographers who deserve the credit. Whether or not you were selected this week, thank you for sharing your art.

"And I usually use myself as a model, posing in front of a mirror as I dab the strokes on the canvas." -Cleo Moore by camera shy momma