SQUARE OFF Photo Contest Winner, "My city" by Melinda Lee

Life in Lofi and CanvasPop are pleased to announce the winners of our SQUARE OFF photo contest.

The winning image as voted by the most readers is “My city” by Melinda Lee. Melinda gets a 20″ x 20″ canvas from CanvasPop and we’ll be contacting Melinda to feature more of her other iPhone photography here on the blog.

Click past the jump for the Runner Up and the Judge’s Choice. >>>

"Bike Trick" by Michael Dodge

The Runner Up is “Bike Trick” by Michael Dodge, who wins a 13″ square canvas from CanvasPop.

"Across the Salt" by Roger Clay

The Judge’s Choice is “Across The Salt” by Roger Clay. Both Michael and Roger will have some of their works featured on LoFi as well.

Over a hundred iPhoneographers submitted images and there were many outstanding works. Congratulations to the winners and big thanks to all for participating!
