A while back, I reviewed PolarCam, another retro, instant-style fauxlaroid camera app. While I wasn’t overly excited about the app at first, it does shoot in full resolution and has very nice color and texture. You can also shoot retro instant video with the app.
Read my entire review of PolarCam here.
I’ve got some promo codes for PolarCam to give away. To find out how to win one today, click past the jump. >>>
Today, I’ve got several PolarCam promo codes to give away. To be eligible to win one, request a code in the comments below. You can comment as many times as you like, but only your first comment will count. Cut-off time to enter is 11:59 PM Central Time, today, Friday, April 27, 2012. Winners will be determined by random selection. One code per reader, please. If you enter, be sure your email, Facebook or Twitter info is correct (the Intense Debate login stuff usually works great) or your code will go to someone else.
PolarCam is normally $0.99 in the App Store. Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.Requires iOS 4.2 or later.