A little late this week, but a great showcase nonetheless. Here is this week’s Faved On Flickr, featuring some of the excellent iPhoneography chosen from Life In LoFi on Flickr. These selections are just a few of the thousand-plus photos shared each week to the pool.
There are a lot of great photographs in this week’s showcase — many found moments which were captured by the convenience of an iPhone camera. They are great photographs regardless of the equipment.
Click past the jump for more of this week’s showcase. >>>
This week’s lead photo is a beautiful, serene, textured landscape of the sagano bamboo groves in arashiyama, kyoto from librarymook. The stark black and white processing removes the distraction of color from this image, allowing the viewer to reflect on the quiet of the captured moment.
Also in this week’s showcase are photos and art from Dixon Hamby, Isabelle “misspixels” Gagné, unruly_e, Shel Serkin, Matthew Burlem, Donna French, Ade Santora, Mel Harrison, Sarah Jarrett, Miki Ballard, She Escobar and many others.
Links go back to the iPhoneographer’s Flickr photostream. There are a lot of first-time appearances in this week’s selections. I encourage you to follow the links to discover new artists whose work catches your eye.
Submissions are open to everyone with an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. To be eligible, simply post your images to Life In LoFi’s Flickr group. Images must be shot and processed using only an iDevice. Sundays, we feature a brand new showcase of more great iPhone photography.
There are many other stunning works posted to Flickr. Be sure to stop by there and have a look at the many other images that I can’t fit into this piece.
Please enjoy this set. As always, it’s the iPhoneographers who deserve the credit. My sincere thanks to all of the iPhoneographers who continue to share their art.

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves ~ Shakespeare by MahoganyTurtle / Mel Harrison