In case you missed it, has just published an excellent interview with photographer/mobile photographer Steven Mayes, the director of VII Photo Agency. In it, he talks about the transitions from analog to digital and from digital to mobile photography. It’s not a technical article. It’s a very thoughtful and insightful one — more about the change in creative thought processes that mobile photography has brought to the art. It’s a great read on why iPhoneography and mobile photography differ from traditional analog photography and even more traditional digital.
There are a ton of money quotes in this one. I picked this one from the top:
When talking about mobile photography, “a lot of the visual filters are about nostalgia for the image. We’re embracing the cell phone, but desperately trying to link it to what we know, our histories and what is familiar.”
I highly recommend you spend a few minutes with the entire read here, “Photographs Are No Longer Things, They’re Experiences” on
Tip of the hat to Jordi Pou for the heads up on this one.