We’re back from hiatus. Here is this week’s Faved On Flickr, one of the longest-running iPhoneography showcases on the web. These are some of the excellent images chosen from the those shared to Life In LoFi’s Flickr group.
It’s been several weeks since the last Faved (day job and other obligations). Since then, iPhoneographers have submitted and shared thousands of great images. These are just a few of the many images that caught my eye.
Click past the jump for this week’s showcase. >>>
Because of the gap, I’ve gone back to October for this week’s Faved and there’s a good selection of styles, including some creative and powerful portraits, stark landscapes and ethereal abstracts.
This week’s lede is a colorful abstract by Roger Guetta. It’s a great piece of Pop art with influences from Warhol and Lichtenstein.
There are many other interesting images in this week’s showcase. In particular, I really love Paula Gardiner’s stark self-portrait “Scars of life” and the creative use of the app Harris Camera in Sarah Zucker’s clever “Necessary Regalia.” I love the tones and soft textures of Maddy McCoy’s selections from her “The Fan” series. Taken as a cohesive work, the images span movement and emotions.
Also in this week’s showcase are great iPhoneography and iPhone Art from Michael Sutton, Ade Santora, Sarah Jarrett, Gary Gardiner, iPhoneographyCentral.com’s Nicki Fitz-Gerald, Allison Pistohl, Mel Harrison, Hans Borghorst, Susan Blase, Clay Benskin, Shel Serkin and many others.
Links go back to the iPhoneographer’s Flickr photostream. There are a lot of first-time appearances in this week’s selections and I encourage you to check out new artists whose work catches your eye.
Submissions are open to everyone with an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. For consideration, simply post your images to Life In LoFi’s Flickr group. Images must be shot and processed using only an iDevice. Sundays, we feature a brand new showcase of more great iPhone photography.
There are many other stunning works posted in our Flickr group. Be sure to stop by there and have a look at the many other images that I couldn’t fit into this piece.
Enjoy this week’s extended set. As always, it’s the iPhoneographers who deserve the credit. I realize things move pretty quickly on the internets and it’s easy to forget about something when it’s been idle for a while. My sincere thanks to all of the iPhoneographers who continue to share their art here and elsewhere.
![Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson](https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7272/8161387959_93494bb3e1.jpg)
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson by Nicki Fitz-Gerald