KitCam is the great new virtual camera app that contains an amazing assortment of lenses, films, and frames, which can be used to create incredible effects and turn your photos and videos into stunning works of art. All camera attachments are previewed live. It’s a great app. I recently reviewed Kitcam version 1.0. It’s got a ton of great features. Most of them are listed in my review.
The app is only a few weeks old and already it’s gotten a couple of great updates. The latest, version 1.2, was just released and features some fun new goodies.
In addition to all the features in the previous update, such as the much requested ability to import images from your photo library, the new KitCam 1.2 update features new films, new lenses, new frames and other new features. The new filters are all free in this update. I’ve got the full feature set below.
KitCam is more than just a repackaged PhotoForge in a fun new shell. It’s a powerful camera app on its own with an outstanding set of filters. The app is only $1.99 and comes nicely equipped. There are also several in-app purchases. KitCam is an excellent all-in-one camera app.
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 5.1 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5.
Here’s What’s New in KitCam Version 1.2
* 2 NEW LENSES (Accent & Kurt)
– The Accent lens is a more subtle alternative to the other two vignette lenses. The vignette itself is soft even at its most intense and adds a subtle soft light accent to the centre. As with the other vignettes, pinch the screen to control its intensity.
– The Kurt lens is all about grunge and creates photos with grungy, grimy edges. Twist the screen with two fingers to cycle through all the variations.
* 2 NEW FILMS (Prairie & Super Fade)
– The Prairie film produces beautiful golden tones and is faded to have a look like its been left out in the sun.
– The Super Fade film is extra faded with deep blue shadows and creamy highlights.
* 2 NEW FRAMES (Walker & Walker Alternative)
– These two frames are like the Ansel frames but with sharp inner corners and no edge shadow. Perfect simplicity in black & white.
* Send to KitCam from other apps. Other apps with ‘send to’ functionality will now be able to send photos directly to KitCam.
* Auto archive videos. You can now auto archive all videos recorded to the camera roll or any of the other online services. (Enable from the settings screen)
* Auto lens, film, & frame tags when sharing to Tumblr or Flickr. When sharing to either Tumblr or Flickr, we will automatically add tags with the names of the lenses films or frames you’ve used in the photos you are sharing. (Can be disabled from each services settings page).
* Ability to always show the zoom control. People love their zoom and now you can have it permanently fixed on the camera screen. We’ve also made it even easier to enable once again for those who dont always want it on. (Enable from the settings screen).
* Loads of bug fixes, tweaks and speed improvements.