Check your Hipstamart. Hipstamatic’s First Friday seems to have come a little early today. The new lenses of the Buenos Aires HipstaPak are available in both Hipstmatic and Oggl right now. I’ve got more info and samples.
Hipstamatic Buenos Aires HipstaPak Gallery
- The Buenos Aires HipstaPak
- Diego lens and Blanko film
The new Buenos Aires HipstaPak is a $0.99 in-app purchase in Hipstamatic and is also available as part of an Oggl subscription. The new pak comes with one new lens and two new films.
The entire pak has a very desaturated, washed out, really badly processed instant camera feel.
The Diego lens is inspred by the work of New York-based, Argentinian-born photographer Diego Uchitel. The official description describes its features as cool painterly undertones.
The new Uchitel 20 Film is a very desaturated instant-style film with a deceptively textured frame, light leaks, and plenty of other really beat up instant film type damage. The borderless Blanko C16 film is another instant-style film as evidenced by the subtle instant processing style streaks it adds to an image. The Blanko C16 film runs a little cooler to my eye with more blues and magentas.
I’m always excited to get a new HipstaPak. I’m certain that someday my iPhone will eventually fill up with Hipstamatic. While this new pak looks like just simple desaturation effects at first, both of the films and the new lens create some nice, subtle instant photo-style effects and add severely distressed and detailed effects to the image. I like the look of these films — the old instant print that has baked in the sun too long or the look of long-expired instant film.
No new flash or case in this pak. I’ll have more details about this pak later today.
The Buenos Aires HipstaPak is now available in both Hipstamatic and Oggl.
Hipstamatic is $1.99 in the App Store. There are a ton of in-app purchases. App Store link: Hipstamatic
Hipstamatic Oggl is a free download. App Store link: Hipstamatic Oggl