Hipstamatic 230 screenshot

UPDATE: The Hipstamatic 230 update is now live everywhere. The new Foodie HipstaPak is available as an in-app purchase as part of the 230 update. Check your updates.

Few things in life are as inevitable as new Hipstamatic updates and HipstaPaks. I don’t mean this as a bad thing. We know it’s going to happen sometime. Most of the time we don’t know when. Speculation ramps up and it’s always exciting to see what actually arrives in our updates.

A quick look at the EXIF data from an image found online shows that the Hipstamatic 230 is already in beta testing. Life In LoFi reader Jason Larkin may have stumbled across the release of the 230 update, as well as a little info on a new HipstaPak coming sooner rather than later — possibly later tonight as this rolls out across the servers. By tomorrow morning, this all may be old news.

Click past the jump for more info, a photo and screenshots. >>>>

Hipstamatic Foodie SnapPak

This image was posted on December 3. EXIF data from the image above shows that the image was shot with a Hipstamatic 230. Recent updates have stripped out the lens and film info from beta Hipstapaks until they are released, so I couldn’t confirm lens and film info, however the blog I found this on says that this was shot with a Loftus Lens and DC Film.

Jason told me that he found a new HipstaPak in his Hipstamatic updates. It’s the “Foodie” Snap-Pak (the App Store description incorrectly shows “Sonoma HipstaPak”) and is “perfect for food shots.” The new pak comes with the Loftus Lens, DC film and Tasty Pop Flash. UPDATE: I was unable to purchase the pak in Hipstamatic 226. I had to update to Hipstamatic 230 to get the new pak. iOS 5 may be required for the new pak.
The Foodie SnapPak is an additional $0.99 in-app purchase.

I’ve been obsessively hitting refresh since I received Jason’s email and his screenshots. I suspect that these will be available worldwide soon. Check your updates. The update and Hipstapak haven’t arrived for me yet. I’m still hitting refresh.

There’s still a big Hipstamatic event planned for Tuesday, December 13. I don’t think that this update and pak are part of that announcement.

UPDATE 12.08.11 @09:30: It looks like the border of the new DC film has been changed from white to black for the release. The new Loftus lens is pretty nice — I like it a lot and to me it’s worth the purchase. It adds a feathered vignette to the edges of the frame, simulating a narrow depth of field (DoF). It also looks to add a little contrast and color saturation without adding any warmth. In addition to food, it seems to work well with any close ups, including flowers and sleeping cats…. =M=


hipstamatic foodie snap pak
