In the spirit of #FF Follow Friday on Twitter, I’d like to invite you to also follow Life In LoFi on our other social media channels. Here’s where and why….


Like Life In LoFi’s Facebook page. We post a lot more app sales, freebies and giveaways on Facebook than we do on the blog. These are often sales and freebies that happen pretty fast. If you’re concerned about Wall clutter, we don’t post nearly as often as Mashable does….


Follow @LifeInLoFiBlog on Twitter. Find out as soon as new blog posts hit. Have conversations with me and other iPhoneographers 140 characters at a time. I also share cool links there  that I find around the web.


Follow us on Google+ for notifications when new blog posts go live. Interact with other iPhoneographers who respond and share on Google+. Like Facebook, we also post news of app sales and discounts that don’t always appear on the blog.

Life In LoFi on Flipboard


Life In LoFi is featured content on Flipboard. If you aren’t familiar with the app, Flipboard collects all the things you like to read on the web and and creates a personalized magazine experience for iPhone, iPad and other devices. It’s a free download.

To add Life In LoFi to your Flipboard, from the homescreen click the search button at the top. Scroll down to Photos & Design and select the “+” to add the “iPhoneography (The art of the iPhone)” section. Life In LoFi also shares this tab with Instagram and tap tap tap’s blogs.


Life In LoFi is on Flickr as well. Each week, over a thousand images are submitted to the group. Share yours and they may be selected for our weekly Faved On Flickr showcase.

However you get your LoFi fix, I thank you for reading Life In LoFi.

