Free Photo Filters
Free Photo Filters
Version 1.2
Bottom line: Recommend!
Here’s one that’s been out for a few months — since July 2009, but may be to the point now where it’s getting overlooked.
Free Photo Filters by Old Dog Production is a free set of four filters for iPhone. The filters are a Lomography filter, a Poloroid-like filter, a Black & White filter and a Retro-style filter. The app is free and the filters are simple, easy to use, and nicely done.
The app doesn’t crop or add borders like many of the effects filters do, but does a good job of rendering the effects. The Lomography filter and the Black & White filter are the two I like the best. The Lomography filter does a good job of shifting the color and pumping up saturation. It’s similar, but not identical to, the same type of filter found in other apps. It still produces some good results. At the other end of the spectrum, the Black & White filter does a good job of desaturating the image. The Polaroid-style filter makes your image look like it was shot with an old 70’s color instant camera giving it an old, slightly underdeveloped washed out look. Not having the unmistakable frame, however, takes away from the instant picture effect. There is also a slider available in all four filters that can adjust the brightness of your images.
Free Photo Filters is ad-supported — small, unobtrusive ads at the bottom of the screen. It does not watermark your images and it saves them at full resolution. All of these effects can be found in other apps, so if you already have these effects in your camera bag, there’s little need to duplicate them with this app. But if you are looking for any of these effects and want easy and free, you should download Free Photo Filters and give it a try. This set of effects should work great for you.
App Store Link: Free Photo Filters