Aloha from Waikiki! I’ve got a lot of things to catch up on during the flight back to Texas tomorrow, but here’s a quick bit of news.

The free exposure-enhancing app from Neurigen Corp. Zipix Lite is now called Color Leap. In addition to the crop feature, this new update also adds Sharpening and Noise Reduction, which is especially helpful when you take underexposed pictures.

Zipix Lite has long been one of my favorite free exposure enhancers. There are very few freebie apps that do as good a job in nicely adding brightness to an underexposed image. I think Zipix Lite/Color Leap does a better job than most of the brightening apps that you have to pay for.

Neurigen have been indicating that they’ll charge for this app, and if the new features work as well as the exposure enhancement, Color Leap will still be worth a dollar or two. I haven’t had a chance to see how the new filters work yet, but this free app is an essential grab just for the exposure enhancement alone. Get it while it’s still free.

