iPhone therefore iArt
Chicago Art Department
Exhibition @CAD East Gallery
1837 South Halsted, Chicago
Friday, January 8, 2010, 6-10pm
Email mike@chicagoartdepartment.org for questions.
iPhone therefore iArt at the CAD (Image created by Mike Nourse, Jon Satrom, Carl Sweets, and Melissa Porter. Apps: Satromizer, Collage, Juxtaposer, and Swissmaker.)
Chicago Art Department is pleased to present 25 artists from around the world, all exploring the iPhone as creative tool.
iPhone Therefore iArt is the culmination of a class led by Chicago artist Mike Nourse, offered by the Chicago Art Department which features ten local artists who met weekly, working towards a completed project in areas such as photo, digital sketching (finger painting), animation, sound, and video. In addition to local artists, CAD program coordinator Mike Nourse brought in national and international iPhone artists from as far away as Russia, Norway, Spain, France, and Germany. The end-result is a comprehensive look at this digital tool and some of its artistic possibilities.
This exhibition has brought together a wide range of artists from around the world, all excited to be a part of iHistory. From Spain, artist Luis Peso describes how this show has “opened a door to the amazing iPhone Art from several diferent countries around the world!” Matthew Watkins (Germany) feels that “this show is further confirmation of the importance of mobile and iphone art. It’s an epochal moment,” From America, David Lebowitz is an east-coast artist who is writing a book on the subject and will be showing one of his finger-painted pieces. He says “artists like myself were drawn to it like moths to a flame. I’m proud to be part of this exhibition, among the first on planet earth to feature pioneering, international efforts of this 21st century medium.” Where is iPhone art heading? What type of artists work with an iPhone and when? Why? How does the iPhone fit into the contemporary art landscape? This exhibitions takes a step towards the answers.
Exhibition opening is Friday January 8, 6-10pm at Chicago Art Department, 1837 S. Halsted.
For a lot more information on this exhibit including a list of the artists, click here.
Note from =M=: A while back, I posted an article on the eight-week course which preceded this exhibition. I think the course and exhibition are significant in that they illustrate not just iPhone photography, but a broader range of the art that the iPhone is capable of creating. Looking over the list of contributors, I see a lot of new names and it will be interesting to see what their visions and voices are. If you’re in or near the Chicago area this Friday, be sure you stop by to check out this exhibition.