Like many of you, I follow a lot of photographers on Twitter — iPhoneographers and non. I click the links that interest me and I feel lucky when I stumble upon a cool link that’s motivational in some way.
30 Photographic Goals for 2010 by Christina N. Dickson is another good read. While it’s aimed primarily at those who want to pursue photography as a business, there are a lot of items in this article that are relevant to those who photograph purely for art’s sake or even just for fun. It’s a good list of goals for improving your images, increasing your exposure, and building your reputation as a photographer whether your equipment of choice is an iPhone or not. Even if we already know most of these (right?), it’s good to get an occasional reminder.
My favorites are #8 – Compete, #12 – Create a photo book a month, and of course, #1 – Don’t leave your camera. Isn’t that one of the reasons we love our iPhones?
Click here for the entire article over at poor man’s hobbies blog >>>
Post your favorites or suggest other photographic goals in the comments below!
(Thanks to Terrill Welch (Twitter: @terrillwelch) for helping me to find this one)