Monochrome Camera
Version 1.0
Bottom line: Poor image quality. Saves images at 300×400 resolution.

Monochrome Camera by TouchInside is a new app which saves images in monochrome. It has its own camera function or you can import images from your camera roll. I know it takes a lot of time, effort and coding skills to create any iPhone app, but with all that’s wrong with this one, I wonder how this ever got past beta stage.
Monochrome Camera saves any image it touches in super-low 300×400 resolution. That’s about 1/8 of a megapixel. It places a date/time stamp on every image. There’s no way to disable this. Landscape (wide) images don’t process correctly. The app distorts the image by squishing everything into a portrait frame.
The color-to-monochrome conversion is okay, but produces noise and other artifacts in shadows and midtones of the image. Just about any app that does a monochrome conversion will do better.
This is a horrible app and with all of the other free and inexpensive monochrome cameras in the app store, there’s no reason to download this one. I realize that sometimes version 1.0 of an app is more of a public beta and I’ll take into consideration that V1 is sometimes a work in progress. But there’s not a lot I can recommend to fix this app except to start over. There’s no excuse for a basic monochrome camera app to not support full the iPhone’s resolution.
Although it’s currently free for a limited time, reduced from $0.99 USD, it’s not worth your download time. Avoid Monochrome Camera.
App Store link: Monochrome Camera
Related links: Vint B&W | MonoPhix Lite | CameraBag