- HipShootOut at the UTD Visual Arts Center Gallery, July 31, 2010
- HipShootOut at the UTD Visual Arts Center Gallery, July 31, 2010
- HipShootOut at the UTD Visual Arts Center Gallery, July 31, 2010
- HipShootOut Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, July 31 2010
- Images on display, HipShootOut Dallas
- Images on display, HipShootOut Dallas
- HipShootOut Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, July 31 2010
- One of HipShootOut’s organizers, Ange Fitzgerald, near her prints, with her friends/fellow camera gangsters, Justin & Alex
[UPDATED]: Intownmix.com now says that HipshootOut at UTD has been extended through Tuesday August 17, 2010.
The University of Texas at Dallas
Visual Arts Building – Gallery
800 W. Campbell Rd. (enter from Waterview)
Richardson, Texas 75081
The HipShootOut Exhibition in Dallas, Texas opened Saturday, July 31, 2010 at the Visual Arts Center Gallery on the University of Texas-Dallas campus. The event was presented by Intownmix and Photopolus DFW. Part of the proceeds went to raise milk money for a free mobile summer lunch program AmeriCorps and Central Dallas Ministries called Food on the Move, a program that provides more than 500,000 meals for kids in low income areas in Dallas.
The exhibition was part of a non-credit class offered at UTD recently, although submissions for the exhibit were open to anyone. How did Dallas Hipstas do? My thoughts after the jump.
Kudos to Ange Fitzgerald and Donna Harris for putting together a fun evening and a great event. The opening was well-attended by photographers, contributors and the public. The space was gorgeous and prints were hung from the gallery walls like drying prints in a darkroom. While most of the prints were shot with Hipstamatic for iPhone, a few non-Hipsta prints were shown as well as some prints shot with Retro Camera for Droid by Urbian. I thought it was cool to see some Droidography on display with the iPhone photography. The Urbian prints had a different look to them — kind of a mash-up between photos apped with Hipstamatic and Pic Grunger.
Because of the charity auction, images were displayed blind — there were numbers but no title and photographer information — but there were several outstanding images that caught my eye. There were some terrific captures of people, including one of my favorites of two children writing on the sidewalk in chalk. The Berry Pop filter added color, saturation and whimsy to this great capture. Other images that I liked were a lot of the found moments throughout Dallas. I especially liked the humor and simplicity of “This Picture is Worth Six Words”.
I thought the quality of the the photography was great throughout. Overall, the images were more about the photo. Throughout the exhibit, I thought the photography on display wasn’t overpowered by Hipstamatic, but enhanced by it — a good testament to the eyes of the photographers. This wasn’t a collection of snapshots filtered through Hipstamatic. HipShootOut was a good collection of photography created by an interesting cross section of Dallas mobile phone photographers, both casual and serious.
As often happens at mobile phone photography events, I overheard many comments of surprise that the photography on display was taken by cell phones.
iPhone photography and mobile phone photography is by nature a digital art form, but when well shot and well presented, as HipShootOut was, it translates very well to traditional, analog presentation.
The event was so well-received, the one night exhibition has been extended for a two-week run at the Visual Arts Center Gallery on the University of Texas at Dallas campus. If you’re in the North Dallas/Richardson area, be sure not to miss this exhibit.