Slow Shutter Cam for iPHoneUPDATE 10.30.10 10:00 CDT: Wow! These went off sale fast. Sometimes app giveaways only last a few hours. We try to catch them as early as possible. You gotta grab ’em fast. Stay tuned. We’re always posting freebie promotions. =M=

Two of Cogitap’s iPhone photo apps are FREE right now in the App Store.

Burst Mode and Slow Shutter Cam are both free for today only. This price reduction will only last a few more hours so grab both now. Each app normally goes for $1.99.

We recently reviewed the latest version of Slow Shutter Cam. It supports higher resolution support and much clearer images than previous versions. The most recent update is a significant improvement.

Burst Mode provides an amazingly fast burst mode on your iPhone and shoots hundreds of still captures at 24 frames per second. Currently, the app only supports low, VGA resolution, but the developer has plans to increase picture size in future updates.

Both apps work with an iPhone 3Gs, iPhone 4 or iPod Touch 4th Gen. This is a great opportunity to grab both apps now. Free is good. We like free.

App Store links: Slow Shutter Cam Slow Shutter Cam - Cogitap Software | Burst Mode Burst Mode - Cogitap Software

