Over on Facebook is the iPhone Photography Competition (IPC) page. Every month, iPhoneographers submit photos based on a chosen theme. The last theme was “Shadow”. The winner of this competition was iPhoneographer Zach Winter with his excellent photograph “Trumpeter.”
The iPhone Photography Competition is monthly and is free to enter. Winners are determined by reader votes. The winner gets to choose the theme of the next competition, and to sweeten the pot, the winner also gets a feature here on Life In LoFi.
The new iPhone Photography Competition (IPC) theme is “Raw” — only raw, unprocessed images taken with the iPhone camera. No apping allowed in this month’s contest. The new contest ends Sunday, December 12. If you’re not already following IPC on Facebook, you are invited to join. Click here for the rules of the IPC.
I’m happy to share additional iPhoneography from Zach Winter. To see more of his photography, visit his blog at zdw.posterous.com. You can also find Zach on Flicker/zacharywinter