ShakeItPhoto by Nick Campbell’s Banana Camera Co. is regarded by many as the best fake Instant Camera app. The effects the last version created are gorgeous. The image itself is a perfect blend of color shift, saturation, and fade. The border is simple, yet nicely textured. The subtle inner shadow/vignette inside the frame is just about perfect. The previous version of ShakeItPhoto created faux instant prints that look like how we remember them to be.
The app just got an update with a killer, long-asked-for feature, and one undocumented feature that many didn’t ask for.
ShakeItPhoto 1.3 was released today and the app now supports full 1936×1910 px resolution on an iPhone 4. The biggest complaint previously about ShakeItPhoto was the size of the images — a usable 1040×1016 pixels, but by far the most asked for new feature request by has been higher resolution support. The vignette is still gorgeous and the border has even more detail in this new update.
However, with this update, the color conversion algorithm has changed. Images processed with the new version 1.3 don’t have that rich, surreal color saturation and contrast that previous versions did. Contrast is more flat and color saturation is much less vibrant. Photos processed with version 1.3 now look more like how instant prints really look, not like how we remember them to look.
The other new features include in-app photo sharing via email and Facebook.
You may like the new, less-saturated look. However, if the original color, contrast, and saturation of ShakeItPhoto are what you love about the app, I recommend that you don’t update to version 1.3 and stay at the previous version until this is sorted out. If you’ve already updated the app and want to revert back to an older version, you may not be out of luck. Read LoFi’s post on downgrading apps here.
ShakeItPhoto still runs on any iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch running iOS 3.1.3 or newer. It’s $0.99 in the App Store.