Hipstamatic 190's new Download Manager
There have been scattered reports of users being unable to restore Hipstamatic’s new limited edition GoodPaks, specifically the discontinued Levi’s® GoodPak with the popular Melodie lens. Hipstamatic’s GoodPaks are the recently introduced limited-edition lens and filter sets. As previously reported here, users should be able to restore GoodPaks that have passed their sales dates.
Although restoring purchases is supposed to restore all of your Hipstamart purchases, including the limited edition GoodPaks, several users here and on the Hipstamatic Facebook page have reported that the GoodPaks do not restore if you’ve had to delete Hipstamatic from your device or if you’ve had to restore your iPhone.
I contacted Synthetic today. According to Ryan Dorshorst, “We are aware of the issue and it should be fixed in the 190 update (currently in review at Apple). We revamped some sections of the in-app HipstaMart with a proper download manager that much better handles the restore of these limited time over-the-air purchases.”
We previously reported some of the new features of the Hipstamatic 190 update. Add Download Manager to the list. Until then, if you’ve lost one or both of the GoodPaks, you should be able to redownload in a few days.
The Levi’s® GoodPak was discontinued on January 3, 2011. The Dali Museum GoodPak is available until January 12, 2011. Once a GoodPak has been discontinued, it no longer shows up in HipstaMart on your device in version 185, even though the lenses, films, flashes and cases are available.