The new number 1 photo app is now photographer Trey Ratcliff’s 100 Cameras In 1 by SIC Media. The app features 100 different effects that use mixes of hardlight, overlay, and more with “beautiful textures from around the world.” 100 Cameras is now on sale for only $0.99 — that’s 50% off the normal price of $1.99.
So far, I’d been immune to the call of this app, but with it currently the number 1 selling photo app in the App Store, I thought I’d give it a look. For a buck, I downloaded it and will have my thoughts on it soon. The app currently is getting a lot of 4 and 5 star ratings in App Store reviews, but iPhoneographer and reader Jeff White — who is a fan of Trey Ratcliff’s photographic work — was less than enthused with the app, saying “it’s full of 100 “filters” that are really just a bunch of textures that blur the original. Square format only…. It’s more of a game. You can earn points by using different filters and social networks.”
Regardless, it’s now on sale for a buck for a limited time. If you’ve been curious, I don’t think this app will ever show up for a lower price. Often, these sales go away quickly, so grab it now.
100 Cameras In 1 saves at 1936×1936 px on an iPhone 4 and several lower resolutions as well. It’s old iPhone friendly and works on any iDevice running iOS 3.1 or newer.
Have you already got 100 Cameras In 1? Let us know what you think of the app in the comments to this post.