iPhone photo app TrueHDR by Pictional is on sale for a limited time for only $0.99 — that’s $1 off the regular price.
TrueHDR is one of the few real HDR apps in the app Store. The camera takes three bracketed exposures — one normal, one slightly overexposed, and one slightly underexposed — and merges them together, keeping the best exposed areas of each capture. Other HDR apps only bracket two exposures — if that. You can read more about it in one of our previous reviews here.
High Dynamic Range iPhoneography can create some brilliant and highly saturated photos. If you don’t own TrueHDR but have been thinking about the app, this is a good price and a limited time sale. Grab it now!
TrueHDR is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.