The editors of, “the best in blogs,” have just released a list of their top ten iPhone photography blogs. I’m happy to say that Life In LoFi was included in their Top Ten. With the large number of iPhone photography websites and blogs (and that number growing rapidly), I’m honored that this blog was chosen for the list. Reading over the list, Life In LoFi is in some great company and there are some excellent blogs to add to your bookmarks to get your daily iPhoneography fix.
“Whether you’re using, Photoshop Mobile, Hipstamatic, TiltShift or PhotoPaint, or any of a hundred of apps for taking and editing photos, check out these blogs for inspiration.”
Click here to read the entire post,’s “Top 10 iPhone Photo (iPhoneography) Blogs.”
My very big thanks to the editors of And my bigger thanks to you for stopping by. It’s a big Internet and I’m grateful that you share part of your time here.
And many thanks to iPhoneographer Jack Hollingsworth (Twitter/@photojack) for the heads up on this one.