Photo Mixer for iPhone 4 – Mix your photos
Version 1.0
Price: $2.99
Bottom Line: Expensive for an app. Doesn’t work properly. Doesn’t do much when it does. A horrible app.
I really don’t like shredding apps. I’d rather just ignore bad apps and hope they disappear on their own. But some apps are so bad, they should come with warning labels.
Consider this a warning label for Photo Mixer for iPhone 4. I dropped three bucks so you don’t have to.
The app’s description says “This photo enhancing application for iiPhone 4 contains dozens of different effects that you can apply to your photos in incredible and fun way!” Other than that, the app’s description is pretty vague as to what these effects are.
As far as “mixing” photos, all this app seems to do on my iPhone 4 is crash or add noise. And, Photo Mixer doesn’t really add much noise to an image, although you can hit the Mix button repeatedly to stack the effect. The noise it does add is really ugly noise – the kind I try to avoid, not the really cool-looking, monochromatic, faux-film grain. There is no control over the noise effects and no other “random photo effects” that I was able to generate after several tries.
The camera and photo import screens prompt you to crop the image square, which doesn’t work. The image is still processed and saved in a 4:3 aspect ratio no matter how you crop and zoom your image. Portrait images are rotated and saved 90° when processing. Maybe that’s one of the “random photo effects.”
I don’t get the big deal made about the knives. If this were a slice-and-dice distortion app, I’d understand. But the knives theme seems very out of place in this app and is pretty annoying.
Asking $2.99 for this app is a rip-off for what Photo Mixer does and for all the things it doesn’t do. For about $3, you can choose from plenty of other apps that add noise to an image much much better than this one – and have a ton of other functions as well. And there are plenty of apps that crash that don’t cost $3.00.
A waste of money. Avoid this app.
(There’s also an iPad version of this app, Photo Mixer for iPad 2, for you to avoid as well.)
Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.