There is a lot of news from HipstaLand this weekend, including the chance to catch up on some long-deleted HipstaPaks, an immediate update to the Hipstamatic Disposable, and what could be the ultimate Hipstamatic Lens and Film guide.
Schmutzie’s Hipstamatic Lens, Film, and Pak Guide Online
During the recent Hipstamatic December event, Synthetic CEO Lucas Buick mentioned that there are now over 250,000 possible lens, film, and flash combinations with Hipstamatic if you own all of the paks — one reason why the Shake to Randomize feature is so popular with Hipstamatic. I will trust his math. All I know is that I regularly shoot with about six (kidding, but well short of a quarter million combinations).
Schmutzie’s Hipstamatic Lens, Film, and Pak Guide is online and contains samples of the currently available hipstamtic lens and film combintations — a huge undertaking. The prject was born out of “frustration at not being able to find suitable lens and film combinations more quickly and easily. ” Schmutzie has opted to forego including the flash combinations as well, saying that it would add “approximately 3000 more photos of the same tableau and sure madness.” We’re glad your sanity is preserved, Schmutzie. Thank you for creating this extremely valuable resource.
FYI, the site is iPhone-friendly, too.
Here’s the link to Schmutzie’s Hipstamatic Lens, Film, and Pak Guide.
Hipstamatic RetroPak Weekend
You’ve probably already been notified through Hipstamatic that Retropak Weekend is in full swing. Both Retropaks One and Two are now available as in-app purchases. The highly recommended Retropak One re-release was a pleasant surprise as it contains two really great Hipstamatic lenses, the Melodie Lens from Christmas 2010 and the excellent Tejas lens from this years SXSW FreePak. Not all discontinued HipstaPaks are available this weekend, but what’s out there now should go a long way getting you caught up if there are gaps in your collection.
Grab these now. They’re only available through this weekend and there’s never any guarantees that they’ll be made available again.
Here’s all that’s available this weekend:
RetroPak One – $1.99 in app
Tejas Lens
Melodie Lens
Salvador 84 Lens and DreamCanvas Film the Dali HipstaPak.
RetroPak Two – $3.99 in app
The Watts Lens and Big Up Film from the Bondi HipstaPak.
Matty ALN Lens and the Libatique 73 Lens from the Cowboys And Aliens FreePak
James M Lens and Rock BW-11 Film from the Nashville HipstaPak.
Lucas AB2 Lens and Jolly Rainbo 2X Flash from the Wicker Park HipstaPak
Susie Lens from the We Heart Boobies GoodPak
Hipstamatic Disposable Now Goes to 11 After a Day or So
Within two days of releasing Hipstamatic Disoposable, an update, version 11, has been released to address some performance improvements, bug-fixes, and possibly the widespread criticism (dare I say outrage) from the community over having to pay to shoot. In addition to the standard gear and the free MegaZuck 84 camera available, the new Hipsta-D version 11 also comes with a new free unlimited camera, the D-Lite. The update is available for download now in the App Store.