Indifference by Stefano Pesarelli

The Mobile Photography Awards (Life In LoFi is a media partner to MPA) are thrilled to announce “Indifference” as the first Grand Prize winner.

MPA Founder Daniel Berman says “Stefano Pessarelli’s piece is a soulful and inspiring image of innocence, a powerful moment in time between the photographer and the two children. The contrast between the delight of the girl showing her toy and the seeming “Indifference” of the boy in the background digs deep into the heart of childhood, friendship and, indeed, humanity itself.”

Awesome Sauce by Sara Tune

“”The eyes are the window to your soul” – that’s what I like about it, the pure innocence in them. I knew it was “the” shot immediately when I saw it,” says Jurist Aik Beng Chia

“The mobile phone camera has revolutionized photojournalism. This picture is a wonderful example of why you should always have your camera with you. A powerful and relevant image.” says Jurist Dixon Hamby.

The First Runner-Up and winner of Second Prize in the inaugural MPA is “Awesome Sauce.” by Sara Tune.

Stefan wins a $500 Apple Store gift card. Sara wins a $200 Apple Store gift card.
