Here is this week’s Faved On Flickr iPhoneography showcase. Usually the target I shoot for is about two dozen images. There were so many great submissions this week, it was easier just to go a little over rather than choose which ones to narrow down. Think of it as a Faved and a half. Enjoy the extra photographs this week.
Click past the jump for this week’s showcase. >>>
This week’s gallery is filled with great photographs, iPhone art, abstracts, landscapes and a couple great street photographs.
This week’s lead image is a simple, sexy reflection by alucco7. This showcase is packed with more great iPhone photography by Kerryn Benbow, Star Rush, Laura Peischl, Alessandro Greganti, Robin Pope, Gordon Fraser, Donna French, and many others. This week, there are great abstracts and dreamscapes from Souichi Furusho, Jaime Ferreyros, iPhoneogenic’s Edgar Cuevas, Alan Kastner, Jennifer Bracewell, ©arlein, Brionline, Hans Borghorst and more.
Don’t forget to visit Life In LoFi on Flickr to see the excellent iPhoneography in all of this week’s submissions.
Links go back to the iPhonegrapher’s Flickr photostream. I encourage you to follow the links and discover new iPhoneographers whose work catches your eye.
Submissions are open to everyone with an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. All you have to do to submit your photography is to post your images to LoFi’s Flickr Group. Sundays, we feature a brand new showcase of outstanding iPhone photography.
Please enjoy this week’s set. As always, many thanks to all of the iPhoneographers who post and share their photography.