Here is the Faved On Flickr iPhone photography showcase for the week of February 26, 2012. With iPhoneographers often submitting works that are great photographs, or art that has been apped and morphed into something completely new, a photograph that combines elements of both, it’s often a difficult endeavor to narrow it all down to the two dozen you see here weekly. There are many stunning works posted in Life In LoFi’s Flickr group. Please stop by there and have a look at the many other images that I can’t fit into this piece.
Once again, here are a small sampling of the week’s great iPhoneography submitted this week. Click past the jump for the rest of this week’s showcase. >>>
Sxethang Ginger Lucero has the lead image this week with her photograph “Coca Cola?”. I like it for its commercialism and how she handles simply one of the world’s most iconic brands. Her choice of processing handles the color like it was a classic Coca Cola ad (no pun intended… honestly).
There are other great images this week from iPhoneographers Greg Schmigel, Clay “Butch the iPhoneographer” Benskin, Andy Royston, Star Rush, Roger Guetta, Paul Moore, Lynette Jackson, Mutablend, Michael Sutton and many others.
One other mention…. Also featured this week is a very personal and powerful iPhone photograph from Lulú De Panbehchi. Please click the link to read the story of this photo and to see more of Lulú’s work. Good on ya, Lulú. And thank you for sharing.
Links go back to the iPhonegrapher’s Flickr photostream. I encourage you to follow the links and discover new iPhoneographers whose work catches your eye.
Submissions are open to everyone with an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. All you have to do to submit your photography is to post your images to LoFi’s Flickr Group. Sundays, we feature a brand new showcase of outstanding iPhone photography.
Please enjoy this week’s set. As always, it’s the iPhoneographers who deserve the credit. Whether or not you were selected this week, thank you for sharing your art.