There seems to be a recent flurry of modern and pop-art photo apps being released in the App Store lately. Part is a fairly new addition to this class of app, from the makers of iSupr8. From the App Store description:
“Part analyzes your photo creating a single shape and accompanying color. With a tap your shape multiplies. Tap or swipe again. You chose when to stop the division, and what part of the image is most important.”
Part creates very geometric, abstract works. If the guy who designed the classic 60’s egg chairs (that would be Henrik Thor-Larsen so you don’t have to google it) designed a photo app, it would look a lot like Part.

Part’s menus.
Part’s interface is beautiful but a little cryptic until you figure it out. Even with the help, the best way to learn the app is to play with it.
You can either load or shoot a new image. It loads as one “part” which you then touch to break it down into smaller parts. Finger swipes work great on large areas of parts. To undo, give the app a quick shake. You can leave parts big, chunky and simple or break them down into greater detail. Part of the fun of the app is finding the balance.
As I played around with the app, I quickly felt limited on the small screen real estate of my iPhone. But Part is a universal app and I can see that it’s a much better experience on an iPad. There’s no way to mask out the original image. That might be a cool feature for an update.
You an leave some parts big and others you can break down and isolate into recognizable shapes. The result are some pretty interesting abstracts.
In one of the flyaway menu screens, you can easily select between the default dots or squares. I prefer the dots and really like the white space that the effects add to the image.
Part supports large image saves and on my iPhone 4S, it saves native 8MP images at 3264×2176 pixels. Part also shares vector-based by email within the app, allowing you to enlarge your works with no limits. You can also share directly to Facebook and Twitter from the app. The app itself was solid for me. It never crashed during my tests.
Part joins other modern and pop-art iOS apps Percolator, Decim8, pxl. and Popsicolor. These are apps which go way beyond the standard retro camera effects. Part is another of these modernist app which creates unique effects. There’s really nothing else like Part in the App Store. If you like the effect, Part will work well for you.
Part is $1.99 in the App Store. Requirements: Compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation) and iPad.Requires iOS 5.0 or later.