blankColor Splash Studio for Mac OS is now ColorStrokes™ for Mac. It lets you play with colors in every possible way: recolor images, create unique color splash photos, bring color to b&w snaps and let your creativity truly blossom. Re-color your images and create stunning “color splash” images by converting color photos to monochrome and revealing the color of specific areas.

We recently reviewed the iPhone version of ColorStrokes. Today, I’ve got several copies of the Mac version to give away. Click past the jump to find out how you can win one. >>>

ColorStrokes for Mac OS features all the functionality of the iPhone version. Those who prefer painting with a mouse or a tablet will find the Mac version’s larger canvas much easier to navigate around. Tools are onscreen rather than flyout menus like on the iPhone version. Overall, the app was smooth, easy to use and easy to figure out. If your iPhoneography workflow includes processing images on a desktop or laptop, using ColorStrokes for Mac is easier and faster than finger masking on the tiny screen of the iPhone.

ColorStrokes for Mac Giveaway

Today, I’ve got a few copies of ColorStrokes for Mac OS to give away. To be eligible to win, simply enter the giveaway below. If you follow us on Facebook and Twitter, you can get additional chances for a promo code.

Cut-off time to enter is 11:59 PM Eastern Time, tomorrow, Tuesday, August 7, 2012. Winners will be determined by One code per reader, please.

Winners will be notified by email, Facebook message or Twitter direct message — be sure to check your spam filter. If you enter, be sure your email info is correct or your code will go to someone else. Your email address is used for contest entry and for contacting the winning entrants only. We will not use or sell your email address for any other purpose.

This giveaway is for the Mac OS version only. Sorry, Windows users.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

(If you’re having trouble viewing the above widget on a mobile device, try viewing this page in landscape mode on your iPhone.)

ColorStrokes for Mac OS is normally $4.99 in the Mac App Store. Requirements: OS X 10.6 or later.

ColorStrokes - MacPhun LLC



Big thanks to Alex Tsepko from MacPhun for giving us these activation codes!