Over the course of 2012, about 50,000 images were submitted to Life In LoFi’s Flickr Group. Of those, about 750 were selected for our weekly showcase. 500 of those images would be 1%. There are only 50 here. To appear in the top 0.01% of anything is quite an honor.
Here are what I feel to be the best of those images. This is our year-end Faved On Flickr Showcase — The Best of Life In LoFi for 2012.
This is the toughest showcase of the year to do. Here are the images that I feel are the top images we’ve run in our Faved showcases. These are images that made a connection to me somehow. Not all are representative of each iPhoneographer or iPhone artist’s style, but they are images that I found powerful, moving, unique, stunning, personal or often a combination of all of those.
2013 will be the third year Life In LoFi has been presenting the Faved On Flickr showcases. The quality and impact of the image is the most important criteria for me when choosing these. That’s why works from iPhoneography’s “rock stars” are often displayed alongside newer artists who may not have the recognition yet. Many of these works have appeared in other websites showcases; many haven’t. All of them represent what I feel are among the best works created this year shot and processed using only an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.
These images are Life In LoFi’s Best of the Best. They go back to the first showcase of 2012. To narrow these down from the thousands submitted was not an easy task. I tried to get it down to about two dozen images like last year’s list, but didn’t want to cut any further, so my apologies for the length of the post. I’d like to thank all fo the iPhonegraphers who shared their works to our Flickr group, and a special shout out to all the artists who made this selection.
Joel Adam
Aik Beng Chia
Aylin Argun
Andy Bruce
Roger Clay
Dirk Dallas
Johnny Eckó
Reza Elghazi
Deb Evans Braun
Jaime Ferreyros
Pirmin Föllmi
Jennifer Ford
laura frantz
Donna French
Souichi Furusho
Paula Gardener
Janine Graf
Alessandro Greganti
Roger Guetta
Dixon Hamby
Mel Harrison
Edina Herold
Lynette Jackson
Robert-Paul Jansen
Sarah Jarrett
Alan Kastner
Ginger Lucero
Paul Moore
one big shoe
Vicki Oseland
Amo Passicos
Leonardo Pilara
Catherine Restivo
Emily Rose
Andy Royston
Star Rush
Millo Salgado
Greg Schmigel
Shel Serkin
brandon smith
Michael Sutton
Benamon Tame
Urban Muser
I’ve created this graphic that you are free to use if you’d like to share this on your blog, Flickr, Facebook or Instagram.
Here are the images, in no particular order other than I think they work well together as presented. There’s no lede image for this post. They’re all ledes.
I wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year and thank you for making Life In LoFi a part of your day.
Marty Yawnick
Founder/Publisher, Life In LoFi

“it was you who came to my side. remarkably close for our time of life” by ©arlein / Carlein van der Beek