This cool link isn’t about iPhoneography per se. It’s a cool link about photography and composition in general and some of the cool things photography can do to play with the viewer.
“Strange Worlds” is a very cool photo project from photographer Matthew Albanese. The link contains a video that needs to be seen to be believed… or should it? Keep reading for more. >>>
“Strange Worlds” has been an ongoing side project from Mr. Albanese since 2008. He uses everyday found objects to recreate spectacular landscapes and vistas that are unbelievable in how believable they look. Some of his dioramas take months of preparation. Using inventive construction and clever shooting techniques with a long depth of field — a kind of anti-tiltshift technique that’s possible using the iPhone camera — he “tricks” the viewer into seeing a realistic scene that isn’t. The photographs are often spectacular and the behind the scenes look actually enhances your appreciation for his technique and the images.
This is an inspiring short video of a very cool project that shows what is possible when an artists looks at something and asks, “Well, what if…?” Projects like these are possible with almost any camera and the imagination of the artist shooting with it.
“When I was young I was always very, very obsessed with movie miniatures and movie magic and things of small scale,” he says in the post on “Even just to see a place that I couldn’t see in person, it was a way for me to try to see the surface of Mars.”
It’s a great read and short video that is very cool. If you’re watching at the office, the video auto-starts.
Click here for “‘Strange Worlds’ photographer aims to trick the eye” on Blog.Flickr.
Tip of the hat to Dutch Doscher for the heads up on this link.