
If you’re one of the lucky thousands who grabbed Hipstamatic’s new Silver Lake HipstaPak yesterday when it launched, you’ve got a Hipstamatic rarity not quite as cool as the Nike Always On FreePak, but still pretty cool nonetheless. It looks like Abbie is no more. The actual shipping name of the lens with this pak is now the Mabel Lens. The lens and effect are still the same — only the name has changed.

A lot of us grabbed this pak right away and got the Abbie Lens. It’s since been changed to the new name.

On their Facebook page, Hipstamatic says “Abbie was the internal name for the lens, we slipped and it released before we changed it.”

I like Abbie better than Mabel and even moreso now that she’s another Hipstamatic rarity.

I suspect that if you ever have to delete and reinstall Hipstamatic, the “Abbie” lens will be replaced with the “Mabel” lens. Until then, enjoy your bragging rights.

The new Silver Lake HipstaPak is a $0.99 in-app purchase in Hipstamatic and comes with the very nice Dixie film as well.

