Life In LoFi’s Marty Yawnick, iPhone)Genic’s Edi Caves and Jack Hollingsworth in Austin, Texas.
Hey, east coast? What are your plans this summer? Photographer and iPhonegraphy Evangelist Jack Hollingsworth is hosting an exclusive weekend workshop in photogenic Cape Cod this summer, July 25 -28.
The price range is reasonable and in the ballpark of other photography workshops, but this one offers the chance to shoot in a small group setting with one of iPhoneography’s movers and shakers.
More after the jump. >>>
“I was born and raised on Cape Cod and know it intimately-every crack and corner,” Says Mr. Hollingsworth. “I can’t tell you how many of thousands of photographic hours I have invested in capturing the faces, places and spaces of this picturesque destination.”
This shooting experience is designed more for intermediate and advanced mobile photographers. It will be three full days of shooting-from sunrise to sunset each day. While there is no set schedule, the plan is to cover 3-5 key locations per days with a solid 60-90 minutes per location to explore.
The workshop cost, for the three days is $395.00 (not including your travel, hotel and food costs which would be on your own).
“If possible, I would prefer to limit the size of the workshop to only 10 persons (first come, first serve),” says Mr. Hollingsworth.
At the very least, attendees should walk away with is a killer portfolio of mobile photography-including sunsets, sunrises, beach and landscapes, still life set-ups, street photography (Provincetown), landmarks, monuments, parks, portraits, resort and architecture. Jack will be taking attendees to the best places to shoot and at optimum times, so you’re you’ll have the opportunity to get some incredible content!
I’ve shot with Jack before down in Austin, Texas. It’s a treat every time we shoot together. He’s very gracious in sharing as much of his over thirty years of professional photography experience as one can absorb and his excitement and passion for iPhoneography is not only apparent, but very infectious.
If you have the means and can be in Cape Cod next month, this is going to be a great yet intimate workshop.
Email Jack Hollingsworth at jack@jackhollingsworth.com for more information.