What iPhone Tripod Do You Use and Why?
We get questions. Some of them here. Some of them over on our Facebook page.
LoFi reader David Williams just posted a great one on Life In LoFi’s Facebook page that we’re also rebroadcasting here: “Tripods for iPhone 5; what do you use and why?”
I’ve got his entire post and more after the jump. >>>
Tripods for iPhone 5; what do you use and why?
I upgraded to iPhone 5 a few months back and have been slowly swapping over all my accessories to the new hardware. With the 4S I used a Gorillapod for my tripod but I’m wondering what else people are using for their iPhoneography needs?
Because the original question was posted to Facebook, I’ve disabled comments here, so head over to our Facebook page to join or read the discussion.
I’ll get the discussion started here. I have used an original Joby Gorillapod since my old iPhone 2G. It still works great. I currently go to my Gorillapod and ANYCASE tripod adapter or my PhoGo by DiffCase for my iPhone 5.
While there are a lot of great tripods and mounts available for iPhones and other mobile devices, the Joby Gorillapod is an excellent tabletop tripod (poletop, branchtop, fencetop…) that’s lightweight and fits easily into my laptop bag or pocket. Although the Glif for iPhone 5 Tripod Mount
is a sweet little device, I don’t use one because it doesn’t work with an iPhone case. The ANYCASE iPhone Tripod Adapter
is nearly as small and lets me keep my iPhone in its case when I mount it.
If you are new to the blog, head over to this classic post here to find out why I never use a “naked” iPhone.