Here’s this week’s roundup of photo app updates you shouldn’t miss — 645 PRO Mk II, AfterLight, Auto Adjust, iLightingCam and more. If you’ve used these apps in the past, any of these are worth a second look. More than just bug-fix updates, each of these app updates added new features and functionality to these apps. If you haven’t, but have been on the fence about some of these, these updates might be a good time to take a closer look.
This week’s big updates after the jump:
645 PRO Mk II
Wow. Just wow. I’ve had a chance to use this update all week. 645 PRO got a significant update last week. I wrote about it here. New less-cluttered interface, New or improved editable film modes, and many other improvements. How does it shoot? In real-world shooting, using 645 PRO is almost as fluid to use as it’s sibling app PureShot. It’s powerful tool set can simply stay out of the way until you need it. That’s a feature I like in any photo app. Maybe it was just luck, but using it real-world against PureShot, Apple Camera and others, I was able to get better shots than I was able to in similar situations. 645 PRO Mk II now also a Universal app, meaning its tools take advantage of the larger screen of the iPad. ( )
Auto Adjust
One of the classic utilities for easily adding pop, color and contrast to dark, dull photos, Auto Adjust got its biggest update in a while this week. In addition to a shiny new icon and a slick new interface, new features include advanced black and white, single-image hdr, noise reduction, and full EXIF metadata. The new advanced functions are part of a new Pro option, an in-app purchase that’s free for now. Grab it quickly. I suspect this freebie won’t last for long.
The new pro features make this update worth a look, even if you already use a Dynamic Range Correction app. The new Reduce Noise feature works well without noticeable loss of detail unless you crank it to 11. It’s comparable to similar NR offerings found in Photoshop Express and other apps. (
AfterLight is a good image editing app for quick and straightforward apping. It currently features over 100 filters and frames, but what makes AfterLight really worth a look is the collection of over 60 light leak textures to overlay on top of your images. The ability to rotate, flip and adjust the transparency of the textures gives you limitless variations.
The new update is pretty packed with goodness. The Original Textures are now split into two parts: Dusty Textures and Light Leak Textures. This includes 3 new textures. There are 13 new real light leaks with 35mm film that can be found at the end of the Light Leak Textures category. This update adds 2 new original frames. (
This is an excellent free photo app that’s fully loaded. Really, just a minor update — bug fixes and performance improvements, I’m using this update as an excuse to give this great app a shout out. It’s a fully-loaded camera app with a solid toolset. tadaa features 26 HD filters, tilt-shift (selective blur with real bokeh), a one-touch Clarity image enhancement tool, frames and Borders and more. What I really like about tadaa is the excellent selective focus tool that’s buried in the Tilt-Shift tool window. This tool bests the effect quality of many dedicated selective focus apps in the App Store. Its auto detect edge feature can get you pretty close to your mask with little tweaking. All this in a free app. Worth the download. (
Inspired by 19th century’s Collodion photography, Koloid lets you create one of a kind, black & white photos with a unique look and texture. This is a unique, interesting app for black & white iPhoneographers and I’ll be having a closer look at it soon. This new update adds the ability to import images from your camera roll — an essential addition. (
iLightningCam uses true real-time recognition of lightning strikes. Once recognized, your iPhone takes a picture of the recognized lightning in up to 8MP (camera mode) or full HD (video mode). Having a tripod helps when using this app, but I’ve used it to grab some interesting photos of Texas thunderstorms. The new update adds a Distant sheet lightning button in night mode. It uses ISO 800 and ULTRA mode. Once activated, any significant distant lightning should trigger the app. (
)Camera Plus Pro
Camera Plus Pro is one of the earlier camera replacement apps for iPhone. It actually predates the popular Camera+. It’s a full featured still and video camera with separate exposure, focus and white balance locks. It’s got a good, high resolution fast shooting rate. And it’s got a comprehensive, built-in photo editor with 45 photo filters. The new update restores the app’s variable photo resolution setting. (