Hi, there. It’s been a long time. Life in Lofi is moving to a new web host today. In fact, if you’re reading this post, the move has been successful (I hope…) It may take a couple of days to fully propagate. In the meantime, the site may be acting weird. It’ll resolve within a day or two.

UPDATE: So, among the other things I do when I’m not posting here (ha), I have a creative design studio. We design and host websites. Life In Lofi used to be hosted on the very oldest web hosting we used. In fact, I moved all of my other client sites off this webhost. No real complaints other than the server was really slow for what we were paying. I moved LoFi over to Hostinger based on a ton of recommendations and so far there have been no problems and a significant speed boost.

If you build WordPress websites and your current host is no longer cutting it, I recommend Hostinger. Here’s a referal link if you want to try. They also have a 30-day money back guarantee. I get a small commission, you don’t pay any extra, and it really helps me pay to keep this site going. Thank you.

See you soon!