Comparison of iPhone image sizes
I’m really loving the new iPhone 4. I love the new OS and the phone itself is such an exponential upgrade, especially from one of the older 2G or 3G models.
Even the new Camera app has become my default camera for now. I’m having to learn the capabilities, limits and characteristics of a whole new camera.
My upgrade is from a 2MP iPhone camera to a 5MP. We’re constantly exposed to the numbers of image resolution. I thought it would be interesting to see how the image sizes looked visually so I created the graphic above with the three image sizes from all of the iPhone cameras. As you can see, 2 1/2 times bigger mathematically looks different visually. By the way, even the iPhone’s 2MP images can enlarge for prints quite nicely.
One thing that doesn’t look different visually is the tiny 800×600 resolution that many apps still max out at. Hopefully, new camera APIs will allow these apps to be updated easily. If not, hopefully these apps will just fade away. Even when the cameras were 2 MP, 800×600 resolution was just barely acceptable. Now, unless you’re trying to create a true digital lo-fi look, there is almost no reason any more to be constrained to this ever-decreasing canvas.