[UPDATED 09.06.10] My apologies to all the iPhoneographers whose works were cut off below the jump due to a WordPress for iPhone glitch. I’ve recreated my original post and most if not all of the faved images should now be present. =M=
Week 3 of Life In LoFi’s Faved on Flickr.
These are just a small number of the amazing images that were posted to the Life In LoFi group on Flickr this week.
Every Sunday, we present “Faved on Flickr”. It’s our weekly showcase of about 10 of the week’s outstanding photos chosen from the Life In LoFi Flickr group. If you haven’t joined yet, here’s the link to Life In LoFi on Flickr.
Click through to see the rest of this week’s faves. >>>
Every Sunday, I select and share about 10 images from Life In LoFi’s Flickr group to be featured on the blog, in addition to the random image grabber in the sidebar. That’s a lot harder than it sounds — there’s a ton of great iPhoneography to choose from.
Links go directly to the iPhoneographer’s Flickr photostream. If you like what you see, please click and check out the iPhoneographer’s other work.
The images that are randomly displayed in our sidebar are also pulled from Life In LoFi’s Flickr group. For your chance to be seen, all you have to do is be a member of the group, post, and keep adding great images. Then check back here every Sunday. We’ll have 10 more or so next week.
Again, thank you for sharing the awesomeness.

You Might Find Yourself by Aik Beng Chia

Estate Portrait by Andrew Cohen

A not-so-fried, but definitely green tomato by unruly_e

Orator by Edward Smith