New Fisheye lens and Overdrive feature
One of my favorite toy camera apps, ClassicTOY by misskiwi was updated Tuesday. ClassicTOY is one of the better toy camera apps available. By switching lenses and films, the app produces among the best recreations of seven different types of toy cameras. Switching out films allows produces very nice recreations of several film types. And the new “Overdrive” feature really enhances all of the the films and lens effects.
The version 4.0.0 update gets a new icon, some great new features and still works on any iPhone running OS 3.1 or newer. Some of the features are device limited, but no matter what model your iPhone is, this is still a very nice upgrade to an already great app.
The biggest new features are the new Fisheye lens and the “Overdrive” feature available on the film selection screen. When used with most of the lenses, the new Overdrive feature enhances the saturation of the various color films. When used with the black & white films, the Overdrive feature adds a little blue to the normally gorgeous grayscale, almost making it a cyanotype. Not all iPhoneographers will like this combination.
On its own, the new Fisheye lens creates a nice subtle distortion or “bend” to an image. When used with Overdrive, it adds a great looking round vignette with a soft edge, similar to one of the LensBaby fisheye lens effects. The new Fisheye is a great addition on its own or with Overdrive.
You can now email photos from within the app. ClassicTOY now supports GPS meta-data on iPhones running iOS 4.1, embedding photo location info into the file. It has full flash control within the app for the iPhone 4’s LED flash.
ClassicTOY now also supports the new iPod Touch 4th Gen.
The app is still a free download and comes with two lenses for you to try out first. If you like the app and want the full set of lenses (you do), an in-app purchase of only $0.99 gets you five more lenses in this version, including the very nice Jelly Candid and the new Fisheye lens. The quality of the lens effects and the looks and tonal qualities of the films are really top-notch and for a dollar, it’s a recommended purchase.
The new features work well and improve the app. It’s a good update, even better in that all of the older devices are still supported to a degree. If you don’t own ClassicTOY, it’s a good app to have in your camera bag, especially with the full lens pack upgrade. This new update takes all that is good about ClassicTOY and adds to it.
The free update (including the new Fisheye lens) is live now in App Store and iTunes. ClassicTOY is a free download. The full lens pack in-app purchase is only $0.99.