Hipstamatic's new limited edition Fashionista case
Hipstamatic 200 is now live in the App Store. It includes The Mac & Milk Fashion FreePak, which is available for free for a very limited time. The new FreePak contains the Chunky Lens and the blingy Fashionista Camera Case. It’s available February 10-17, 2011. Grab it now in app — go!
Here are the other new features in the 200 update:
- Quicksta Snap film queue system – as you shoot images are processed in the background, enabling you to rapid-fire up to nine images in a row without waiting for processing (requires iOS 4)
- Camera Bag organization system – rearrange and disable lenses, flashes, and films, as well as specifying ones for shake-to-randomize
- Improved HipstaMart, with shiny new FreePak products
- New limited edition FreePak: Fashion FreePak (Chunky Lens and Fashionista Camera Case)
- Other bug fixes and user interface refinements
The new film queue is probably the most significant feature of the upgrade. Slow recovery times have long been a big complaint by many. With the new film queue, you can shoot up to nine shots in a row about 1-2 seconds apart on an iPhone 4. Very fast and very nice. If you back out of the app (not quit) while images are processing in the queue, you don’t lose any shots. Photos process in the background.
Also, it appears that the preview images of the new Chunky Lens were cropped. As with all Hipstamatic films and lens combos, the new Chunky Lens shoots square frame format.
A few interesting things about the new update….
Hipstamart has been updated. You’ll need to create a new free Hipstamart account in the app in order to download additional HipstaPaks. Plan on a few minutes to set up your account. You can either enter in your info manually or connect through Facebook Connect.
Read all the way through the Terms and Conditions. While it’s probably not a big deal to most of you, buried about halfway down is a clause which reads “You grant to Hipstamatic the unrestricted, unconditional, unlimited, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual fully-paid and royalty-free right and license to host, use, copy, distribute, reproduce, disclose, sell, resell, sublicense, display, perform, transmit, publish, broadcast, modify… otherwise exploit in any manner whatsoever, all or any portion of your User Content to which you have contributed….”
You get the idea. Although it’s actually a pretty standard type of clause for a photo printing website, the TOS of the 200 seems to go a bit overboard here. The terms of service — they’re not new, they’ve been around like this since the Hipstamatic 150 — are not really a problem for most Hipstamatic users, but if you are a professional or semi-pro photographer using Hipstamatic to create exclusive content for a client, model, agency, book, etc. or if you just like to keep control of your photos, be careful of the content that you post to Hipstamatic.com. It’s still yours, but Hipstamatic can use it how they please forever for free.
The Hipstamatic can be downloaded to any iPhone or iPod Touch sporting iOS 3.1+ software. For $1.99 USD you can download the base model Hipstamatic 200. Additional lenses, film, and flash options can be added on within the app for 99 cents.
UPDATED 02.11.11