If you’re in or around New York City this Thursday evening, swing by the Apple Store on 14th Street. Allan Hoffman, fellow blogger and author of the excellent book Create Great iPhone Photos
, will be speaking this Thursday evening from 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm about his book and iPhone photography.
“MetroMac Presents: Allan Hoffman, “Create Great iPhone Photos”. An officially recognized Apple user group, MetroMac provides a community for Mac users in the New York area. Join members of MetroMac at this month’s special event. Meet Allan Hoffman, author of “Create Great iPhone Photos: Apps, Tips, Tricks, and Effects,” and learn how to take your iPhone photography skills to the next level.”
Event Information:
Thursday, April 14 · 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Apple Store at 14th Street, NYC
401 W 14th Street
New York, NY
Create Great iPhone Photos will be getting a full, long overdue review from me soon. Briefly, it’s not a “missing manual” of iPhone apps. What Allan does in this great book is show you how to create effects using one or a combination of iPhone photo apps. You learn-by-doing how the various photo apps work, separately and in combination. It’s a great book that any iPhoneographer can pick up at least a few new techniques from.
Create Great iPhone Photos by Allan Hoffman lists for $29.99 from No Starch Press, but is available new on Amazon.com for a lot less.
[ Amazon.com link ]
Also, check out Allan’s great iPhoneography blog, What I See Now, which is also in our sidebar.