I really like Percolator. While there are a ton of retro and vintage photo apps available for iPhone, Percolator is one of a handful of really cool, really well done modernist apps available. You can read my original review here. For a long time, the boilerplate of the blog used a Percolated image.
We haven’t seen much from Tinrocket and Percolator recently, but John has just posted a status update on percolatorapp.com that indicates were going to see a pretty spiffy new version 2.0 update of Percolator pretty soon. Click past the jump for more details. >>>>
“Originally, we were thinking Percolator 2 would be a fairly substantial update, with some cool new filters, tap-to-share functionality, and maybe a little spiff-up to the interface. What we’ve ended up with is a version that has improved everything from the speed of processing to the placement of circles, not to mention the addition of a host of new sub-settings, several new Brew settings, Tone and Texture settings, animated percolations, and a whole lot more.”
Click here to read the entire post on percolatorapp.com.
Percolator is $1.99 in the App Store. Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1.3 or later.