UPDATE 12.16.12: You might also want to take a look at our much more recent post, “Checking Out Some of the Not-So-Great Stuff in Instagram’s New Update”, to find out what’s wrong with the latest Instagram update 3.2.0.
As Nox Dineen has already reported today on Life In LoFi, the new Instagram 2.0 update is out and it’s got a new icon and some pretty spiffy features. It’s also got a few issues that are causing problems with Instagrammers. Some of the filters didn’t make the update, including the popular Gotham and Poprocket filters (there are plenty of other new filters, though).
Also, some users are reporting that after updating the app, their photos are uploading to Instagram as a black square. Instagram is aware of the issue and is working on a fix. In the meantime, click past the jump to read more, including some band-aid fixes until the update is released.
This is straight from the Instagram Support Center:
My photo uploads as a black square
This is a known issue on v2.0 that we are currently investigating. Restarting your phone should fix this problem until we are able to find a more permanent solution. The problem seems to be related to applying linear tilt shift to photos. If restarting your phone doesn’t help, please refrain from using linear tilt-shift on your photos.
We’d appreciate if you could email Instagram with the following details about your photo-upload process so we can resolve this issue as soon as possible.
1) iOS version (open the Settings app, tap General > About)
2) Device type (iPhone4, 3GS, etc.)
3) Does restarting your phone help?
4) What filter are you using?
5) Was the photo from the library or taken in the app?
6) Did you use tilt shift on the photo? (If so, try uploading the photo without using tilt shift)
With the various issues with this update (and more sure to surface), holding off on updating is something to consider until 2.0.1 is released. If you’ve already updated to Instagram 2.0, you might be able to downgrade back to an older 1.x version of the app.
See our classic post, “How to Downgrade Apps on your iPhone” for more information.
Thanks to reader Chase Masters for first posting this info on Life In LoFi’s Facebook page.